Kamis, 22 Agustus 2013

Microsoft Windows 8.1 Pro 6.3.9477 (x64) Desktop PC

Microsoft Windows 8.1 Professional merupakan generasi terbaru dari operating system windows 8 yang sebelumnya banyak sekali menuai kritik dari para penggunanya. Ini dapat di katakan sebagai versi perbaikan dimana pada versi ini microsoft telah mengembalikan fungsi start menu yang sebelumnya tidak di ikut sertakan dalam windows 8. Pada versi ini microsoft juga telah menyertakan pilihan agar pengguna bisa memilih boot ke tampilan dekstop atau ke Metro UI.


The main thing - the Chinese language, with the calculation of that removed most of the components, including the metro, and therefore will be less glitches from the removal of Zh-Cn ...
Drivers for modems (except base and Nokia, tested), printers (except for HP, GE, OLED, MS), speech recognition and text, PowerShell, mail, BitLocker, Defender,
all Asian languages ​​and fonts (if necessary, you can add characters to display), the evaluation of the system (still not working), recovery, cache winsxs.
Store and removed all applications subway, including a file manager, and expanding web camera ... Left home group, ImmersiveBrowser, parental control,
Search (base only), registration (if trying to erase the installation stall when creating uchetki, had to return, but if you just do not have a network, you can enter a local uchetka) ...
Before you install the printer put on automatic and start the Print Manager on the Services ... Window components pokazyvet only 7 positions ...

included Net.Framework 3.5, added to the search engines, electronic gadgets ... Disabled UAC, swap, hibernation ... Offices or place of 2007, 2010. 13th can not be activated.
When you install Office 2010 on an authentication error font Skip presses a few times ...

Installing from CD or USB drive only under DOS (BIOS), according to "Press any key to BootCD .....". Installing clean, with registration LiveID, you can not upgrade ...
At the beginning of the installation, select region - Russia avoid kryakozyaby ...
The key is not required if there is no network, select Create a local account. Activating automatically if the network ...

Information for downloaders
Assembly, as well as all previous and future, do not pursue any commercial purpose.
Compilation released in order to examine the capacity of the old and new Windows systems developed MS.
Therefore, for all use of the software author is not responsible.
Compilation released "AS IS" and download on your own volition and at their own risk.


20 komentar:

™jamal_ludin™ mengatakan...

ada single link nya gak min?

Afendi mengatakan...

yg ini preview atw final bos?

gugunparabola mengatakan...

ada untuk yg 32bit gak gan

mecha games mengatakan...

engga ada :P

mecha games mengatakan...

Belum ada gan

mecha games mengatakan...


Mohamad Iqbal Nurdin mengatakan...

maksud dari RTM itu apa yaa??
jelasin dikit donk!
makasih ..

Ade ahmad fauzi mengatakan...

Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh penulis.

Ade ahmad fauzi mengatakan...

gan mau tanya,kira2 bisa upgrade ga dari windows 8 sbelumnya tnpa kehilangan program yg udah di install sbelumnya ???
mohon balas,,kalau ada sekalian sama tutorialnya gan, makasih.

mecha games mengatakan...

Jangan manja, cari aja di google...

mecha games mengatakan...

Kalo itu udah ada updatenya sendiri nanti dari microsoft. tp engga tau sudah available atau belum skrg.

Ahmad Jaelani mengatakan...

ini cuma 1 GB gan ?
biasanya Windows 8 64 bit bisa nyampe 3.9 GB...

Wili Xroz mengatakan...

win 8 saya 4 gb loh

mecha games mengatakan...

ini versi desktop PC.. Versi hemat bandwidth dari Windows 8.1 Pro v6.3.9477 yang kemarin di rilis !!

vincent mengatakan...

ada perbedaan nya gak gan ?

Haryadi Fitriyanto mengatakan...

gan, window 8 ini file2'a g ada yg korup kan??
klo bnr work, ane mo download..
sory bkn ane g percaya, cuma trauma sama pengalaman aja, hehehehe,,,
btw bnr bs kan??

gus manto mengatakan...

kok corroupt

mecha games mengatakan...

Corrupt ya download ulang file yang corrupt.. repot amat dah !!

mecha games mengatakan...

Agan cocoknya beli original windowsnya... ini ga ada yg corrupt kok, yang suka corrupt itu biasanya pake koneksi naik turun, suka idle + suka di pause resume. mengatakan...

Bisa buat laptop gak ??
Jawab :: Coba aja siapa tau bisa..hahaha