Jumat, 30 Agustus 2013

EMCO Malware Destroyer DC 30.08.2013

EMCO Malware Destroyer adalah alat penghapus malware yang unik dengan mesin scanning baru yang sangat cepat. Hanya membutuhkan waktu beberapa detik saja untuk menscan seluruh komputer Anda dari berbagai macam varian malware seperti: adware, Browser Helper Objects (BHO), hijackers, keyloggers, drive-by-download, Layered Serice Providers (LSP), parasitware, rats, retrospies, scumware, searchpage hijackers, snoopware, spam , surveillance software, thiefware, trojan, worm, spyware dan dialer. EMCO Malware Destroyer bersifat freeware atau gratis dan mampu mendeteksi lebih dari 10.000 jenis malware.


  • Handy tool to scan and clean Virus, Warms, Trojan and Adware on your local machine.
  • Single-click scans for Virus, Warms, Trojan and Aware.
  • Low cost solution for personal computer security.
  • Built in Virus definition database with thousands of virus definitions.
  • Continuously growing database of virus definitions.
  • Users can request the addition of a particular virus to the virus definition database.
  • Progress indicator.
  • Fast and silent execution of virus scan and clean process
  • Built-in virus removal tools for most common Adware and Spyware.
  • Custom user logon option.
  • Built-in live update option to download updated virus definitions from EMCO website.
  • The main features of EMCO Malware Bouncer are described below:
  • Clean Worm, Virus, Adware, Trojan EMCO Malware Bouncer can scan and clean a machine infected by different Worm, Virus, Adware, Trojan.
  • One click scan of all machines EMCO Malware Bouncer provides one click scan and clean option. So, you can scan and clean you machine with just a single click.
  • Built in Virus definition database. EMCO Malware Bouncer comes with a built-in versatile database that is continuously growing with the discovery of new viruses.
  • User can request addition of specific virus definitions. EMCO Malware Bouncer enables users to request EMCO Software to add a particular virus to the virus definition database, and that virus definition is added on the same day.
  • Low cost solution for system security It s a low cost solution in the sense that no special skill is required to scan and clean a machine, it is so simple that you can make your PC Malware free by yourself. You don t need to hire and pay a system security expert any more.
  • Built-in virus removal tools EMCO Malware Bouncer comes up with built-in virus removal tools for most common Adware and Spyware.
  • Progress indicator EMCO Malware Bouncer has progress indicator to show the scan and clean progress on your machine.
  • Built in live update EMCO Malware Bouncer has a built-in live update option to download updated virus definitions or software updates from EMCO website.


1. Unrar
2. Install EMCO Malware Destroyer
3. Enjoy

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