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Tampilkan postingan dengan label Portable. Tampilkan semua postingan

Senin, 06 Januari 2014

EximiousSoft Banner Maker 5.23 Portable

EximiousSoft Banner Maker adalah sebuah perangkat lunak yang handal untuk di gunakan membuat banner iklan, web button, header dan web grafis. Software ini mendukung layer compose, import gambar raster atau vektor untuk kemudian diedit, ada juga contoh gambar latar belakang dan pola preseted di dalam EximiousSoft Banner Maker yang dapat anda manfaatkan untuk membuat iklan, web button, header dan web grafis milik anda sendiri. Tidak hanya sampai di situ saja loh, EximiousSoft Banner Maker juga memiliki kemampuan penambahan efek 3D dan mendukung pembuatan gambar animasi GIF dengan satu langkah mudah.


  • Supports strongly layer compose
  • Allow import raster images or vector shapes and rich texts
  • Shape objects can filled by rich gradient style, images or patterns
  • Each object can be painted with bevel, shadow, texture features, By which it looks with high 3D vision
  • Support animated GIF images
  • Build an animation with provided effects in one step
  • Export web graphics as JPG, GIF, PGN file format, preview the result in web browser directly
  • Preset many gradient styles, filled images, textures and patterns
  • Has good interface and edit visually and easily
  • Frames in the animation can be added or removed or viewed
  • Undo or redo anytime


1. Unrar
2. Run BannerMaker.exe
3. Enjoy

Rabu, 25 Desember 2013

Webcam Surveyor 2.31 Build 921 Portable

Webcam Surveyor adalah sebuah aplikasi sederhana dan fungsional yang dirancang untuk keperluan video capture dan pengawasan. Dengan software ini anda dapat dengan cepat dan mudah melakukan broadcast live media stream, merekam video, mengambil snapshot dan menangkap semua aktivitas gerak.

Detektor gerak pada Webcam Surveyor akan memungkinkan anda untuk memantau rumah atau kantor anda dari jarak jauh, dan fitur Motion Capture akan menghemat waktu dan ruang disk dengan merekam hanya frame dengan gerak. Anda juga dapat mengkonfigurasi berbagai tindakan seperti setting untuk mengirim peringatan email, upload gambar ke situs FTP dan menjalankan aplikasi lain atau memutar suara peringatan dari perangkat lunak, jika gerakan terdeteksi.


  • Broadcasting - webcam live video streaming over Internet/local network
  • Video Capture - easily record a video from your webcam.
  • Capture to multiple video files - view a resulting video during recording.
  • Capture Image Sequences - create a time-lapse video or capture sequence of images with an interval of time of a second to 59 hours.
  • Motion Detection - monitor your office and home and record all motion activity.
  • Motion Capture - record video only when motion is detected.
  • Stealth Mode - hide Webcam Surveyor on your computer and manage it by hot keys.
  • Ease of Use and Compatibility.


1. Unrar
2. Run Webcam Surveyor.exe
3. Enjoy

Senin, 23 Desember 2013

Advanced System Optimizer 3.5.1000.15646 Portable

Advanced System Optimizer adalah aplikasi profesional yang bertujuan untuk membersihkan dan mengoptimalkan sistem pc anda untuk meningkatkan kinerjanya secara keseluruhan. Software ini di dukung dengan banyak fitur bagus seperti Smart PC Cara yang berguna untuk perawatan, pemindaian dan pembersih komputer anda dari file dan folder sampah / junk files, Driver update yang berguna untuk memeriksa dan mengupdate driver pc yang telah kadaluarsa, Game Optimize yang berguna mengoptimalkan pc untuk di gunakan bermain game dan masih banyak lagi. Advanced System Optimizer juga memiliki fitur anti spyware yang akan melindungi komputer anda dari segala jenis spyware, software ini juga telah banyak menerima penghargaan dan sampai saat ini masih menjadi yang terbaik di kelasnya,


  • Removal of empty and unnecessary files from your system
  • Removing incorrect entries in the registry
  • Manage startup programs
  • Restoration and cleaning of RAM
  • Defrag and optimize the system registry
  • The ability to carefully configure Windows
  • View detailed information about your system
  • Get detailed information about the desired files and folders
  • Maintaining security in the system
  • Tool to safely remove files and folders
  • Built-in organizer media files
  • Backup and restore system files
  • Protection of sensitive data
  • Remove programs with built-in uninstaller
  • Monitoring and cleaning of unused duplicate files in memory
  • Setting different icons, and much more


1. Unrar
2. Run Advanced System Optimizer.exe
3. Enjoy

Senin, 09 Desember 2013

SpeedCommander Pro 15.10.7400 Final Portable

SpeedCommander Pro 15 adalah sebuah software file manager yang menggunakan "two window technology" dan menawarkan banyak fitur eksklusif. SpeedCommander menampilkan file dan folder dalam dua jendela sehingga pengguna dapat dengan cepat melakukan eksekusi terhadap file yang di inginkan, seperti: mengurutkan, menyalin, mentransfer, memindahkan atau menghapus file baik menggunakan keyboard atau mouse. Hal ini menjamin produktivitas yang lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan Windows Explorer dan navigasi yang sangat cepat melalui file, folder dan situs FTP. SpeedCommander 15 juga mendukung berbagai jenis FTP seperti FTP melalui SSH (SFTP) dan FTP SSL terenkripsi. Pengguna hanya perlu memilih protokol, segala sesuatu yang lain dilakukan dengan SpeedCommander secara transparan. Software ini juga mendukung Socks 4/4a/5 dan koneksi HTTP serta penggunaan proxy.


  • Two folder windows which can be arranged horizontally or vertically
  • Multiple folder views in one folder panel
  • File Container with multiple independent containers
  • Quick access to Network Neighborhood, Internet and FTP
  • Direct support for the many archive formats (including 7Z, RAR, SQX, ZIP)
  • Integrated Quick View for many file formats
  • Multi-rename tool
  • Fast and comfortable Search Program (FileSearch)
  • Synchronize files and folders (FileSync)
  • Flexible editor for text files (SpeedEdit)
Operating Systems: Windows XP, Server 2003, Vista, Server 2008, Windows 7, Server 2012, Windows 8 (32-bit & 64-bit).


1. Unrar
2. Run SpeedCommander.exe
3. Enjoy

Senin, 02 Desember 2013

Balabolka Final Portable

Balabolka adalah sebuah program edukasi Text-To-Speech (TTS), ini berarti semua suara / voice yg terinstal di dalam komputer disupport oleh Balabolka. Teks on-screen juga dapat disave dalam format file WAV, MP3, MP4, OGG atau WMA. Program ini bisa membaca apa yg tersimpan di dalam clipboard, membaca teks yang ada di dalam file CHM, DjVu, DOC, EPUB, FB2, HTML, ODT, PDF dan RTF, mengatur font dan warna background, mengontrol pembacaan dari system tray atau via hotkey. Program Balabolka memanfaatkan beragam versi dari Microsoft Speech API (SAPI); untuk meningkatkan parameter suara/voice, termasuk rate dan pitch-nya. Agan bisa memanfaatkan daftar ganti/substitusinya utk meningkatkan kualitas artikulasi voice agan. Fitur ini sangat berguna ketika agan mau mengganti proses pengucapan kata nanti. Sedang utk koreksi pengucapannya (pronunciation) menggunakan aturan sintaks 'regular expression'. Balabolka bisa menyimpan teks yg disinkronkan dlm bentuk file LRC internal atau dlm tag file MP3 dlm file2 audio. Dab ketika file audio tersebut diputar dgn player di komputer atau di audio player digital lainnya, maka teks-nya akan dimunculkan secara sinkron (kira2 sama seperti lirik pada lagu).



1. Unrar
2. Run balabolka.exe
3. Enjoy

Tips & Tutorial
Mengimport dan Mempersiapkan File Teks:
Balabolka dapat memutar file MP3 dan mengimplementasikan beragam file format: doc, docx, txt, epub, pdf, odt, ...
  • Jalankan program Balabolka (atau jalankan langsung klo pakai yg portable).
  • Klik menu "File >> Open".
  • Pilih dokumen yg mau dibaca komputer, klik "Open".
  • Rapikan teks-nya dan format image yang diimport oleh software.
  • Hapus baris baris yg tersisa kosong, catatan dan referensi yg tdk perlu.
  • Kalau anda mau split dokumen anda dalam bentuk file audio, pisahkan tiap tiap bagiannya dengan menggunakan baris kosong (blank).
  • Klik "File >> Save".
  • Klik "Save" untuk menyimpan dokumen dalam format teks, ke dalam folder yang sama dengan dokumen aslinya.
Mengatur Suara/Voice:
Anda bisa mengatur speaking rate, timbre, noise level-nya dgn cara berikut:
  • Pilih languange yang akan digunakan dari dalam menu "Options >> Voice" (akan terpilih otomatis dari setup).
  • Klik Speech >> Read Aloud atau tekan tombol F5 pada keyboard utk mendengarnya.
  • Atur artikulasi-nya dgn slider "Stamp, Speed dan Volume".
Konversi Final
    • Klik menu "File >> Split and Convert to Audio Files (Ctrl+F8)".
    • Klik tombol "Choose" lalu pilih folder dimana anda tadi metaruh file audio dokumen anda.
    • Pilih format file audio-nya, misal MP3. Rename file-nya jika perlu.
    • Dibagian "Split the Text and Convert to Audio Files", centang kotak "by two empty lines in succession", kotak lainnya dikosongkan.
    • Klik tombol Split and convert.
    • Program akan memunculkan file mana yang akan digenerate. Klik tombol Run.
    • Klik tombol Close kalau sudah.

    Semoga bermanfaat

    Rabu, 13 November 2013

    IObit Uninstaller Final Portable

    IObit Uninstaller memudahkan anda untuk menghapus atau menguninstall program-program yang sudah tidak di inginkan lagi pada pc anda secara menyeluruh. Software ini memungkinkan anda menghapus program yang sudah tidak di gunakan lagi tanpa sedikitpun meninggalkan file sampah atau junk files, IObit Uninstaller bersifat gratis dan seperti software keluaran IObit lainnya software ini juga memiliki tampilan antar muka yang sangat keren dan user friendly.


    Standard and Advanced Uninstall:
    While Standard Uninstall works as the Windows built-in Add/Remove Programs function, Advanced Uninstall function helps you scan Windows registry and hard drive for any possible installation leftovers.
    Forced Uninstall:
    Even a program is not listed in Windows built-in Add/Remove Programs, this feature still can help you automatically find the program's leftovers and traces in your system and remove them completely.
    Batch Uninstall:
    Uninstall several applications easily with just one click.
    Log Manager and Restoration:
    Easily view what has been changed by Advanced Uninstaller. Every time an "Advanced Uninstall" is performed, a restore point image will be automatically set for possible future system restoration.
    Free and Easy-to-use:
    No IT knowledge needed, just download it and simply run it to remove all junk programs.


    1. Unrar
    2. Run iobituninstaller3-1.0.exe
    3. Enjoy

    Minggu, 03 November 2013

    ArcSoft Portrait+ Portable

    ArcSoft Portrait+ memudahkan anda dalam memanipulasi dan memperbaiki koleksi foto-foto anda yang sebelumnya terasa banyak kurangnya menjadi sempurna. Ini adalah software editor terbaik dalam teknologi pencitraan dan aplikasi, software ini akan otomatis membaca tekstur wajah pada sebuah foto dan memungkinkan anda untuk menghilangkan objek2 menggangu yang tidak di inginkan serta memperbaiki tekstur bagian wajah agar terlihat lebih perfect. Misalnya anda adalah seorang dengan jerawat yang banyak, atau anda memiliki tompel di wajah anda yang membuat anda merasa kurang percaya diri untuk memamerkan foto-foto anda kepada teman, keluarga ataupun siapa saja di internet, nah ArcSoft Portrait+ ini dapat membantu anda mengatasi masalah tersebut, hanya dengan beberapa kali klik saja anda dapat menghilangkan semua hal menggangu pada semua foto-foto anda.


    Auto Retoucher for Portraits
    • Batch-process dozens of photos in minutes
    • Achieve amazing results - all in a few clicks
    • Ideal for professional photo studios, portrait studios and photo labs
    • No training needed
    • Save time, save costs
    Batch process and auto-retouch
    • Easily import a large amount of photos with a single click.
    • Supports JPG/TIFF formats. The maximum supported resolution is 8000*8000 and the minimum is 480*480
    • Retouch portraits quickly and automatically with desired effects
    • Batch process and export all the photos in minutes
    Automatic face-detection
    • Able to detect up to 20 faces in one photo
    • Precisely pinpoint facial features including nose, mouth, ears, eyes and eyebrows
    Up to 20 pre-set 'Cleanse' and 'Makeup' styles
    • Stunning enhancements achieved with natural-looking results
    • Apply multiple styles to a single photo
    • Pre-set styles such as Cleanse light, Cleanse & Beautify, Cleanse & Slim Face
    Tips: Use Photo+ to optimize your photo selection
    • Photo+ is a photo viewer that enables you to sort through your best photos
    • After retouching them in portrait+ you can use Photo+ to compare and select your favorites


    1. Unrar
    2. Run PortraitPlus.exe
    3. Enjoy

    Aiseesoft SlideShow Maker 2.1.28 Portable

    Aiseesoft SlideShow Maker sangat mudah dan powerful untuk di gunakan membuat video slideshow. Software ini memungkinkan Anda untuk dapat membuat slideshow anda sendiri dari sumber file media yang anda miliki seperti video, foto dan file musik. Sebagai software professional, Aiseesoft SlideShow Maker juga memungkinkan pengguna untuk mengedit serta membuat video atau audio file mereka sendiri dan menyimpannya dalam format MP4, AVI, FLV, SWF, MP3, M4A, AAC dan format populer lainnya.


    Make slideshow video
    • Create slide show from video/photo/audio files
    You could directly import local video/photo files and add audio files as the background music to create slideshow.
    • Accept almost all the video/photo/audio formats
    All video/audio/photo formats can be accepted by this slideshow maker for you to create your own slideshow files.
    • Create any video/audio files
    Your own slideshow project could be outputted to any popular video and audio format.
    Adjust slideshow effect
    • Add text as the subtitle
    You can input any text contents as the subtitle of the slide show directly.
    • Edit video/photo/audio/text properties
    This SlideShow Maker could edit the added source files, such as cropping the video playing region, trimming any video/audio clip and adjusting the output effect to meet your needs.
    • Add transition effect
    This SlideShow Maker provides you with various transitions inserted between individual source clips.
    Easy-to-use SlideShow Maker
    • Preview your self-created slideshow project
    You can preview the effect of your self-created project before you output it.
    • User-friendly interface
    Aiseesoft SlideShow Maker possesses a user-friendly interface, which could make all operations so easy that only a few clicks could bring you a perfect slide show.


    Jumat, 01 November 2013

    HitmanPro 3.7.8 Build 208 (x86/x64) Portable

    HitmanPro adalah solusi paling tepat untuk mengetahui apakah komputer anda terkena virus atau tidak. Sangat mudah digunakan dan juga cepat, HitmanPro bahkan bisa dijalankan melalui USB flash disk, CD/DVD, dan dari network. Hitman Pro 3 adalah alat serba guna untuk mencari, mengidentifikasi, dan menghilangkan virus, trojan, worm, rootkits, dan malware lain.

    Riset menunjukkan kalau banyak komputer terinfeksi walaupun sudah ada anti virusnya, bahkan yang sudah up-to-date sekalipun. Sehingga kombinasi antivirus diperlukan untuk menangkal serangan virus. Nah teknologi dari Hitman Pro 3 menggunakan teknologi inovatif yang akan mendeteksi dan menghapus program yang berpotensi sebagai malware dengan dampak seminimal mungkin di komputer anda.


    • Recognizes and removes viruses, trojans, rootkits, spyware and other malware.
    • Revolutionary innovation in scanning technique to distinguish between malicious and safe software without signatures.
    • Short scan time - searches the system within a few minutes.
    • No extra system load.
    • Impossible to make false positives on important systems files thanks to "profiling" and whitelisting.
    • Multi-vendor identification of malware in our real-time "Scan Cloud".
    • Automatically restores common system alterations made by malicious software.
    • Creates a check point in System Restore before removing malicious software.
    • Removes resistant threats using native NT boot-time deleter.
    • Removes references to malicious software (like shortcuts and registry entries).
    • Free malware scan.
    • Free online support in English, German and Dutch.


    Rabu, 30 Oktober 2013

    WinX HD Video Converter Deluxe Portable

    WinX HD Video Converter Deluxe adalah all in one video software yang merupakan produk bundle dari Win X DVD. Software ini dapat anda gunakan untuk mengkonversi video, membuat slideshow, mengedit video dan sebagai downloader untuk mendownload video dari situs youtube. Di lengkapi dengan lebih dari 320 codec video dan 50 audio codec, WinX HD Video Converter mampu memberikan anda pengalaman baru untuk mengkonversi video dengan sangat cepat dan berkualitas tinggi tanpa sedikitpun bantuan alat apapun dari pihak ketiga.


    Convert Any HD SD Videos at One Go
    With 370+ built-in video & audio Codes, it lets you rest assured that all kinds of standard and high definition videos can be flawlessly converted or compressed to fit your media players in an easy way, e.g.: MKV to AVI/MP4, MTS/M2TS to MOV/MPEG, MP4 to AVI, WMV to H264, and extract music from video. Just to name a few.
    Competitive Support for Multi-track HD Videos
    It defeats many competitors with a unique technology to support multi-track HD videos available in BDAV, M2TS, MKV, AVCHD, HDTV and MPEG-TS formats. Especially, you can select your desired language(s) from multiple audio tracks before converting. It auto fixes incorrect data and guarantees a stable video conversion process.
    280 Preset Profiles for Apple Android devices
    Most people have the thoughts of playing videos in the journey, but no mobile phone can play all HD videos like M2TS and MKV. With this video converter, you can make any videos compatible with your console/portable players to enjoy them on iPhone 5S/5C/5/4S, iPad Air/Mini, iPod touch 5, Surface, WP8, Android tabs, phones, etc.
    Make & Convert Photo Picture Slideshow Video
    This video converter also has a bonus feature to create slideshow from your JPG/PNG/BMP photos images in a flash. With photo slideshow maker, you can share moving slideshow with friends via Email, or put it onto the internet. You can customize the image slideshow with background music and convert it to AVI, MP4, MKV, FLV, etc.
    Edit/Trim/Merge/Subtitle Videos at Ease
    It has vivid video editing features for you to make video clips and cut black edges by trimming and cropping, or merge multiple videos to create a new one. More specially, besides enabling inner subtitle tracks, it allows you to add external SRT subtitle files that have been downloaded from the internet to videos before conversion.
    Online Downloader and Video Converter
    This video software enables you to download videos and MV from YouTube, Metacafe, Dailymotion, etc, and convert them to AVI, MPEG, WMV, MOV, 3GP, etc for offline playback, further editing or DVD creation. With advanced YouTube Video Download Engine, it just needs 30 sec to complete downloading a music video from YouTube.
    Output Video with Highest Possible Quality
    The embedded High Quality Engine and "Yadif Double Frames" De-interlacing Engine can optimize image quality dynamically, reduce noise and adjust definition to make the output video clearer. On top of that, all bitrate and resolution parameters are adjustable to balance the video quality and the file size.
    Unparalleled Video Transcoding Speed
    The feature to support multi-core CPU of this solid HD video converter allows you to take full advantage of up to 8 Cores to maximally increase the processing speed. The improved configuring for i5 i7 CPU, the optimized AMD 3DNow! and Intel SSE3 SSE2 MMX Instructions deliver a 32x faster real time converting speed.


    Sabtu, 19 Oktober 2013

    Watermark Software Video to Picture 3.8 Portable

    Watermark Software Video to Picture mampu mengkonversi hampir semua file video yang sering digunakan ke dalam format gambar seperti: JPG, BMP, GIF, TGA, TIF, PCX, PNG dan ICO. Anda dapat dengan mudah mengkonversi video file berfomat: AVI, MPEG, WMV, DVD ( VOB ), DVR-Ms RM, RMVB, dll untuk di ubah ke dalam bentuk format gambar. Dan, itu juga memungkinkan Anda untuk mengkonversi file video ke dalam bentuk gambar gif animasi.


    Video to Picture Features
    • Provide two independent output options
    • Video to Picture Converter provide Serial Pictures and Animated GIF to output mode. serial pictures for JPG, BMP, GIF, TGA, TIF, PCX, PNG and ICO images. Animated GIF for GIF only.
    • Accurately control length of time in Video to Picture
    • You can via progress bar and manual input time for control per frame.
    • We provide common, you can also input any size. And support three interpolation options:
    • Sawtooth--> strong contrast, distinct picture, but you may lose some details;
    • Sharpen--> Its effect is very good, between smooth and sawtooth, picture is distinct. This is a popular way;
    • Smooth--> Smooth edge without sawtooth, make picture looks vaguer.
    Frame Rate
    • Display total frames in output, you can select X pictures per second for control speed in GIF animation, Video to picture support it only.
    • Video to Picture Converter also a video player
    • Video to Picture formats Supported
    • Input formats: AVI, MPG, MPEG, ASF, WMV, WM, RM, RMVB, VOB, MOV, 3GP, M1V, VOB, DVD(VOB)
    • Output formats: JPEG, GIF, BMP, TIFF, PNG, TGA, ICO, PCX, PDF, JPEG2000, WBMP, PSD, etc


    Rabu, 16 Oktober 2013

    Auslogics Disk Defrag Professional Portable

    Auslogics Disk Defrag Pro 4 melanjutkan kesuksesan dari Auslogisc Disk Defrag Free yang telah mencapai 10,000,000 pengguna, Aulogiscs merilis versi PRO, dilengkapi tekhnologi baru dan beberapa fitur tambahan yang tidak di miliki versi FREE, Auslogics Disk Defrag PRO menawarkan kecepatan penuh dalam proses Defragment Harddisk. Versi PRO dari defragmenter favorit ini menjanjikan kecepatan yang lebih dengan New optimization algorithms dan boot-time defrag technology.


    4 Optimization Algorithms
    There are 4 disk optimization algorithms available for you to choose from. Use the Optimize by Access Time method when you want to have faster access to frequently used files. In order to speed up your system loading and application startup, use the Optimize by Prefetch Layout algorithm. If you just want to reduce further file fragmentation, then choose Optimize by Change Time. And finally, the Optimize by Disk Zone algorithm allows you to manually specify which file types or even individual files should be written to the faster part of the disk.
    Offline Defragmentation
    The new Offline Defragmentation engine makes it possible to defragment important system files that are normally locked and can't be moved while Windows is running. Offline Defragmentation is performed on system boot, before the operating system loads. It allows you to streamline the following system files: MFT files, Paging file, Hibernation file and Windows Registry files. Defragmenting system files will make your Windows more responsive, speed up system loading and overall performance.
    Free Space Consolidation
    Use the Free Space Consolidation algorithm to greatly slow down the process of file fragmentation. This optimization method merges free space on your disk into a large contiguous block, which makes it possible for new files to be written without fragmentation. Note that while consolidating free space, the program also defragments files. But you can set the program not to defragment files in order to make the consolidation process go faster.
    Advanced Defrag Algorithms
    Disk Defrag Pro has defrag algorithms specifically designed for VSS-enabled and SSD drives. The VSS defrag algorithm is aimed to minimize growth of the VSS storage area caused by file movement during defragmentation. It also reduces the chance of overwriting previous VSS snapshots. The SSD defrag algorithm greatly reduces the number of write operations during defragmentation, which allows to extend the disk's lifespan.
    Comprehensive Reports
    With new comprehensive reports in the Professional version, it is easy to track all of the operations performed by the program. You can view the degree of file and free space fragmentation, size of the largest contiguous free space block available on your disk, and number of files processed during each operation. You can also track the general condition of your disk and performance improvements through graphic charts. All reports can be viewed, printed and stored in a format convenient for you.
    Resource Management
    Disk Defrag Pro allows you to easily control the load on system resources produced by the defragmentation process. Restrict the use of system resources by the program when you are at your PC, or lift any restrictions to defrag your disks faster. There are 4 pre-defined resource usage profiles you can choose from. Alternatively, you can create your own profile with specific CPU and disk usage restrictions. You can also restrict launching defragmentation process when a specified application is running or your laptop switches to battery power.
     And many more..


    1. Unrar
    2. Run DiskDefragPro.exe
    3. Click > Help > Register
    4. Masukan serial key-nya
    5. Enjoy

    Jumat, 04 Oktober 2013

    PhotoLine 18.0 Portable

    PhotoLine adalah editor foto berfitur lengkap dengan dukungan untuk teks, vektor dan image layer . Selain fitur pengeditan standar, PhotoLine mendukung 16 bit per channel, CMYK dan Lab serta manajemen warna dengan profil ICC. Browser foto yang termasuk mendukung IPTC dan data EXIF ​​untuk menampilkan dan mengedit, konversi batch, output galeri HTML , mengubah nama batch dan banyak lagi.

    PhotoLine dapat mengimpor data gambar RAW pada hampir setiap kamera digital. Selain itu, PhotoLine menawarkan berbagai fungsi untuk meningkatkan foto seperti: Cahaya / Bayangan menyesuaikan kecerahan dan memperbaiki kesalahan. Di dalamnya juga terdapat fitur Imange Connect yang dapat digunakan untuk menggabungkan dua foto berbeda menjadi satu.


    • 16 bit per channel, support of CMYK and Lab
    • Color management with ICC profiles
    • Lossless imaging
    • Process digital photosRetouch, correct etc.
    • IPTC and EXIF data handling
    • Rotate images lossless
    • Rename images and create catalogues
    • Create HTML galleries
    • Add and edit keywords
    • Powerful search capabilities
    • "Real" PDF Import and Export (not just a big image)
    • Multipage documents
    • Calendar and barcode creation
    • Rich text functions
    • Create Flash and GIF animations
    • Web Export
    • Tile images, create buttons and image maps
    • Batch conversion
    • Create slideshows
    • Record actions
    • Print multipage documents, flyers and labels
    • USB-Stick support
    • Multiprocessor support


    1. Unrar
    2. Run PhotoLine.exe
    3. Enjoy

    Rabu, 04 September 2013

    DxO Optics Pro 8.3.1 Build 320 Elite Portable

    DxO Optics Pro 8.3.1 adalah salah satu software image editor terbaik di kelasnya. DxO Optics Pro memiliki kemampuan untuk meningkatkan kualitas gambar agar menjadi terlihat 100% jauh lebih jelas, lebih baik dan lebih professional dengan cara memperbaiki semua kesalahan-kesalahan yang berkaitan dengan lensa dan sensor kamera, termasuk pembersihan noise. DxO Optics Pro 8.3.1 Build 320 sudah sangat terkenal di kalangan fotografer karena kemampuannya yang luar biasa menakjubkan dalam memperbaiki kualitas gambar, software ini juga telah di akui dunia dan telah mendapatkan penghargaan dari Technical Image Press Association (TIPA).


    • Berhubung fiturnya lumayan panjang, bagi yang pengen lihat langsung aja yah ke situs resminya di sini


    Versi gratis dari DxO Optics Pro 8.3.1 Build 320 baru tersedia versi x86 / 32 bit saja. Jadi untuk pengguna x64 / 64 bit jangan ikut-ikutan download biar gak buang-buang kuota internet secara percuma. Tapi kalo ngebet sama softwarenya silahkan ke situs resminya langsung untuk membelinya :-P Ga mahal kok cuma $ 169 USD atau sekitar 1.859.000 Rupiah :lol:

    Selasa, 27 Agustus 2013

    Daum PotPlayer 1.5.39654 Portable

    Daum PotPlayer merupakan software multimedia player gratis yang dapat anda gunakan untuk memainkan / memutar audio dan video. Software ini mendukung hampir semua format video populer termasuk DVD. Fitur lain yang di tanamkan ke dalam multimedia player ini di antaranya WebCam / Analog / TV dukungan perangkat digital, pemutaran gapless video, DXVA, siaran live.


    Main functions and features of the player:
    • Support almost all of the existing formats of video and audio. Due to this do not require additional codecs.
    • Built DXVA video codecs (H.264/AVC, VC-1, MPEG2).
    • Support of all types of subtitles.
    • The presence of a large number of audio and video filters, which allow improving the quality of the playback or add certain effects.
    • Built-in audio and video equalizer.
    • Visualization when playing audio files.
    • Ability to play damaged AVI files (skipping the damaged frames).
    • Ability to destination of a large number of hot keys.
    • The ability to store settings in the registry and in the configuration file.
    • Possibility to use the program as a portable player.
    • Support for playback of TV-channels.
    • Creating screenshots and video, including streaming.
    • Very low system load and high speed of work.
    • • Skins support, logos and color theme. You can use skins from PotPlayer, and other players (The KMPlayer, GOM Player, VLC Player).
    What's new (1.5.39654):
    • + Added the ability to record audio using the WASAPI
    • + Added ability to delete a bookmark to non-existent elements
    • + Added ability to set up the actions of the mouse wheel to the left and to the right
    • + Added ability to set the priority of opening subtitle used to match the preferred subtitle languages
    • Improved the touch screen feature
    • Fixed bug with not display some subtitles DVD
    • Improved recording function online games
    • Improved function to write games in 32 and 64-bit applications
    • Changed the method of normalizing audio default
    • Added the possibility to add external source filter or splitter for damaged AVI and ASF files
    • Fixed bug with not played some files to MP4/MOV
    • Fixed a problem playing some MKV files
    • Fixed problem with remembering the position of the playlist in the playlist
    • Improved method of opening the file when you open a similar files
    • Some fixes with non-stop audio playback


    1. Unrar
    2. Run PotPlayerMini.exe
    3. Enjoy